About Us

Elspeth & Kate – friends since we were knee high to a grasshopper

Ragged Life was founded by two friends with passion for design, crafts and creative living. Based in London, together we make modern and sustainable homeware from rags that may otherwise go to landfill. We are reinventing this old (and somewhat forgotten) technique to give it a new lease of life with striking and playful designs inspired by the things and people around us.

If you’d like to find out about workshops, ask about commissions or just find out a bit more about us then you can chat to us on raggedlifedesigns@gmail.com.  Don’t be shy!

Elspeth & Kate

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Jane Langley
10 years ago


We’re researching sustainable courses to feature in our blog and your rug making sounds like a great way to transform waste – beautifully.

Please do take a look at our website and if it appeals to you, we’d love to email you some more information about us and find out what your plans are for 2015.

Best wishes


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