Here at Ragged Life we love all things rag rugging and we’re constantly feeling inspired to create new and exciting projects. It was this thought that got me thinking about all the different rag rug related ideas we’ve had over the years. So, this week I challenged myself to find something Ragged Life related for …
Tag Archives: Rag Rug Cushions
How to Make a Rag Rug Cushion
Since I made my first inaugural rag rug outfit back in 2004, I’ve made many many rag rug cushions. What’s more, since founding Ragged Life in 2014, I’ve taught hundreds of people how to rag rug cushions in my workshops. All in all, they’re a project I feel pretty confident with, so I thought I’d …
Rag Rugging with T-shirt Yarn – Hoooked
I’ve been making rag rugs for over fourteen years now…. about half my lifetime in fact. After sticking with one craft intensively for such a long time, it’s important to try new things to keep things interesting. I’m, therefore, always on the lookout for new project ideas, new innovations that can be applied to rag …
100% Wool Blanket Yarn for Rag Rugging
A year ago or so, I was wandering around the Knitting and Stitching when I came across a stand that was selling lots of lovely yarns and silks. I was having a bit of rummage around when I came across a solitary hank of blanket yarn. It wasn’t really a material that I’d considered rag …
Ragged Life Students’ Rag Rug Designs
Since 2017, I have been featuring former students’ rag rug designs in a Student Spotlight section of my fortnightly Rag Rug Inspiration Newsletter (which you can sign up to here if you’d like). It seemed a shame that these photos disappeared into the ether once they’d been sent out so I thought I would compile …
Ragged Life Rag Rug Cushions
Rag Rug Cushions are a fab way to add a pop of colour and individuality to a room. They are one-off pieces that you’ll never ever see at Mrs. Potts’ house down the road. We find that they even become a talking point of a room! The textured rag rugging gives patterns depth whilst the volume of fabric …
The Great British Cushion
So “The Great British Bake Off” is back, and with it another wave of British pride and delicious cakes! The Union Jack is such an iconic design that we just couldn’t help ourselves from paying homage with this “Great British Cushion” loopy design. To save yourself getting bored while doing a set in stone design like …