My Unforgettable Trip to Rug Hooking Week at Sauder Village

Opportunity Calls! As a rag rug maker and travel enthusiast, I’ve always been curious about the difference between rug making in the UK and other countries. That curiosity was one of the inspirations behind my second book “Rag Rug Techniques for Beginners”. I wanted an excuse to travel the world hunting down obscure rug making …

Tartan rag rugs: Tartan is the new black…

We’ve been saving beautiful, woollen selvedge offcuts from the Yorkshire mills for a couple of years now and still the novelty of picking up yet another batch of soft and cuddly yarn hasn’t worn off yet. I think it’s because it’s exciting not knowing what different colours and patterns we’ll get each time we visit. …

Cosy Cottage Proggy Rug

My mum, Victoria, has been on an absolute rag rug roll recently. Remember her upholstered rag rug chair from only a few weeks ago. Well, she’s been at it again and I wanted to share her latest proggy rug, made for a cottage with flagstone floors in the Lake District.  This particular rug (done in the shaggy technique of rag rugging with a …

My First Twined Rag Rug – What I learnt

This year, I’ve been looking to up-skill myself, which is why I’ve taken it upon myself to learn a new form of rag rugging called “twining” (you can read a little more about it in my blog post here). Twined rag rugs are more popular in the States than they are here in the UK. They …

Beautiful Twined Rug Designs

Earlier this month, we announced that for the first time ever, we’ll be running Twined Rag Rug Workshops here in Hertfordshire. With that announcement, it seemed only fitting to get everyone’s creative juices flowing by sharing some of our favourite Twined Rug Designs from across the internet. We’re still relative newbies to the world of …

Watercolour Brushstroke Inspired Rag Rug

Here at Ragged Life, 2020 has been full of new and exciting rag rug projects despite the world going to rack and ruin. I’ve experimented with everything from basic upholstery with my Rag Rug Laundry Basket to fashion in the form of my Rag Rug Jacket. However, no matter how many new ideas we have …

My modern, simple rag rug

We all have that one craft project lying around that just seems to take aggeeess! Well, this rug has been my UFO (unfinished object) for a while now and I can’t tell you how chuffed I am that it’s finally done. And, what’s more for a simple rag rug, it turned out really well. Ta …

Boucherouite rug inspiration

It probably comes as no surprise to you that a tradition of rag rugging can be found all across the world. For hundreds of years, different cultures have used their local materials and creativity to make distinctive rug designs, ranging from the the jewell-coloured Chindi rugs of India, to the more muted finely-woven rag rugs …

Pink Rag Rug Inspired by Matthew Williamson

I’ve done quite a lot of copy writing recently, what with my War and Peace length blog posts on Woolfest 2019 and The Mollie Makes Handmade Awards 2019 this month. So, on that note, this pink rag rug showcase isn’t going to be quite as wordy or flowery as normal (I’m worded out, would you …

Our Mondrian Inspired Rag Rug

Generally, I like to create my own rag rug designs or even improvise colours and patterns as I go along. However, from time to time, it’s nice to take inspiration from one of the greats. Our latest Ragged Life rag rug was inspired by one of the pioneers of abstract and modern art… Piet Mondrian. His …