Rag Rugging at The Village Haberdashery

Last weekend I ran my first ever workshop at The Village Haberdashery in West Hampstead and I’m now officially in love. From the moment I stepped into this cute little crafty heaven, I immediately felt at home. What crafty person wouldn’t be with all the beautiful reals of fabric, cute craft kits and cosy wool? If any of you ever find yourselves near West Hampstead station, or even just feel like a day out, I couldn’t recommend it more. The shop is beautifully designed with a great range of products from classic to contemporary. I thought I’d share the love with a few photos from the shop… and also a few from the workshop I ran – hope you enjoy them!

P.s. if you’d like to book onto a rag rug workshop at The Village Haberdashery later in the year, you can do so here ðŸ™‚

The Village Haberdashery Sign

The Village Haberdashery in West Hampstead is a haven for all things crafty.

The Village Haberdashery Shop

It’s absolutely dreamy… I heartily approve as a lover of colour.

Wheelbarrow Village Haberdashery

I particularly liked this wooden wheelbarrow – what a cute display idea.

Set Up Table Ragged Life Rag Rug Workshop

After gawping at the front for a while, I headed into the workshop area which has lovely views over Hampstead. Sometimes I feel like setting up for my workshops is like laying the table for a dinner party!

Back of Chairs Village Haberdashery

Guest appearence from The Village Haberdashery’s Caroline in the background, who was a massive help on the day 🙂

Rag Rug Workshop Tools

My rag rug place settings 😉

Rag Rug Letters London Rag Rugging Workshop

Everyone was trying to work out what I meant by “KRIA” throughout the class and on my Instagram but it didn’t have any deep meaning – those just so happened to be the letters I brought along… sorry to disappoint!

Ladies Rag Rugging

I was teaching nine lovely ladies how to rag rug at the weekend.

Rags for Rag Rugging

I brought along masses of rags for everyone to dive into. I like separating them by colour using clear sandwich bags.

The Village Haberdashery Class

The new rag ruggers hard at work!

Rag Rug Workshop in Progress

It was great seeing everyone get stuck into the rag rugging.

Rag Rug Workshop Ladies Holding Rag Rug Projects

I couldn’t have asked for better company for the day… thanks ladies!

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