The Royal Academy Winter Exhibition 2020

Art exhibitions can be notoriously hit and miss, but one show that never fails to deliver for me is the annual Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. This annual open-submission art exhibition normally takes place between June and August every year and is chock full of every kind of art you can possibly imagine (picture paintings plastering every wall from floor to ceiling).

Like many people, I was pretty pessimistic that the show would go ahead this year, but by some miracle the Royal Academy curators managed to pull together a “Winter Exhibition” with limited visitors and Covid-19 restrictions that I was lucky enough to get tickets to attend.

I managed to visit the show before London went into Tier 4 restrictions and below I’ve pulled together some of my highlights from the exhibition, so anyone who didn’t visit can live vicariously through me (and judge my taste in art haha). I have to admit that for me, this wasn’t the strongest year that the RA has fielded, but considering the situation, they did a fantastic job. See a few of my highlights below…

Highlights from the 2020 Royal Academy Winter Exhibition:

royal academy exhibition painting living room

Thanks for reading. If you want to see my highlights from previous years’ Royal Academy Summer Exhibitions then you can peruse them at your leisure here or sign up for the newsletter here to be first to see new blog posts as they go live.

Happy creating,

Elspeth x

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Sophie Goard
Sophie Goard
4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this, so lovely to see it x

Ingrid Fallström
Ingrid Fallström
4 years ago

Wonderful, very intressting!

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