Our Winter Warmer Cosy Rag Rug

The Story Behind the Rag Rug: As with many crafters, I’m heavily influenced by the seasons and weather. When it’s warm and sunny outside (like Summer 2018, which was a scorcher), my designs tend to be light, bright and fresh. Whereas, in winter, my rag rugs are much more likely to be thick, lush and …

Q&A with Rag Rugger Victoria Goulden

I first came across the rag rug work of Victoria Goulden on Instagram and was immediately enthralled by her colourful, contemporary rag rug creations. So, I got in touch to see whether she would be willing to answer some questions and share more of her work. And she said “yes”! What’s more, she turned out …

The 2019 Eco Challenge

The 2019 Eco Challenge: I’ve never been a big one for New Year’s Resolutions (I think I’m still scarred from my attempts to make it past the first week of January with no cheese), but this year I really wanted to use the new year momentum as a kick off to lead a slightly more …