The past couple of months have been pretty busy ones here at the Ragged Life HQ. Not only because I finally got around to finishing the final projects for my new book, but also because my mum and I have been renovating her cottage in the Lake District. Below you can find a brief overview …
Tag Archives: Behind the scenes
Behind the Scenes at Ragged Life: Off to the Mills!
This past fortnight has sure been a busy one. I think everyone has been snuggled up inside crafting, so online orders have been busy busy busy. As well as sending out your Ragged Life orders, here’s what I’ve been up to… Rag Rug Demo on Hochanda: This past couple of weeks involved a lot of …
Behind the Scenes at Ragged Life: Round 1 Book Projects… Done!
The past couple of weeks have been extremely full on here at Ragged Life. I had to submit the first ten projects for my new rag rug book and was crafting from dusk til dawn to get them done. Rugs aren’t the quickest projects to make it has to be said! The good news is …
Behind the Scenes at Ragged Life – 1: Start with a Bang!
Hello lovely readers, thanks for tuning in to my new “Behind the Scenes at Ragged Life” series, where I dish the dirt on what it’s really like to be a full time rag rug maker and crafter. Plus, I’m reliably informed that stream of consciousness writing is supposed to do wonders for your “mindfulness”, so …