Making a Rag Rug Jacket

For me, 2020 is all about pushing the boundaries of what I can rag rug and I must say, I’m loving it. So far, I’ve done a spot of amateur upholstery whilst making my Rag Rug Ottoman and Rag Rug Laundry Basket and I’ve got more and more ideas springing to mind every day. Well, …

Our Jazzy Rag Rug Ottoman

If you’re a subscriber to the Ragged Life newsletter then you may have seen this rag rug ottoman in various stages of construction. For me, it’s been one of those “it’s endless projects” – you know the ones! Well, it’s taken lockdown to finally get this rag rug ottoman finished and assembled and boy was …

Making a Rag Rug Laundry Basket

When you think of rag rugging, most of the time you think of rugs, rugs, and more rugs. Well, for a while now, I’ve been more interested in what else can be embellished using rag rug techniques… I started off with cushions and wreaths, and over time I’ve got more and more ambitious. I have …

Rag Rug Leopard Print Clutch Bag in Mollie Makes

Mollie Makes Magazine: Mollie Makes Magazine is a lifestyle magazine bringing contemporary craft to today’s makers. It has beautifully styled photography and gorgeous, modern makes, ranging in size and complexity. If you’ve been following Ragged Life for a while now, you will know that I am a big fan. In fact, I’ve now appeared in …

Ribbon Weaving with Blanket Yarn

Every couple of weeks our Hertfordshire rag ruggers gather together for our Rag Rug Coffee Morning in Great Wymondley near Hitchin (except during self-isolation at the moment). It’s such a nice occasion to see what others are making and to get inspired by their creations, all whilst having a good natter over tea and biscuits …

My modern, simple rag rug

We all have that one craft project lying around that just seems to take aggeeess! Well, this rug has been my UFO (unfinished object) for a while now and I can’t tell you how chuffed I am that it’s finally done. And, what’s more for a simple rag rug, it turned out really well. Ta …

Boucherouite rug inspiration

It probably comes as no surprise to you that a tradition of rag rugging can be found all across the world. For hundreds of years, different cultures have used their local materials and creativity to make distinctive rug designs, ranging from the the jewell-coloured Chindi rugs of India, to the more muted finely-woven rag rugs …

Pink Rag Rug Inspired by Matthew Williamson

I’ve done quite a lot of copy writing recently, what with my War and Peace length blog posts on Woolfest 2019 and The Mollie Makes Handmade Awards 2019 this month. So, on that note, this pink rag rug showcase isn’t going to be quite as wordy or flowery as normal (I’m worded out, would you …

How to Make a Rag Rug Cushion

Since I made my first inaugural rag rug outfit back in 2004, I’ve made many many rag rug cushions. What’s more, since founding Ragged Life in 2014, I’ve taught hundreds of people how to rag rug cushions in my workshops. All in all, they’re a project I feel pretty confident with, so I thought I’d …

Our Mondrian Inspired Rag Rug

Generally, I like to create my own rag rug designs or even improvise colours and patterns as I go along. However, from time to time, it’s nice to take inspiration from one of the greats. Our latest Ragged Life rag rug was inspired by one of the pioneers of abstract and modern art… Piet Mondrian. His …