Buy a Rag Rug Kit Today!

As you’ve probably gathered by now, we love to rag rug! But what you may not know is that we’d love to get as many people trying this sustainable craft as possible. Let’s bring back the make do and mend mentality one quirky rug or cushion at a time.

Well now you can learn how to rag rug with ease. Buy a Rag Rug Kit from Ragged Life today and get crafting lovely people!

Our kits can be bought on the Ragged Life website here and will arrive on your doorstep two days later so you can get started on your rag rug projects in a jiffy.

Each kit comes in a lovely jute bag & includes: 

– Wooden Latch Hook

– Wooden Gauge Cutting Tool (for shaggy rag rug)

– Hemmed Hessian for a 100 x 60 cm rug

– Instructional DVD, including “How To” videos

– Instructional Booklet, including step by step photos on how to rag rug

– Ragged Life Pen

– Sharp Fabric Scissors (optional but recommended as you’ll be doing an awful lot of rag cutting!)

Basically all the tools we recommend in our “Intro to the Tools” video here:

Below are some pictures of our kits – we hope you like them as much as we do!

Rag Rug Introductory Kits

Rag Rug Starter Kit

Rag Rug Introductory Kits

Rag Rug Craft Kit

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