A Wonderful Weekend at Woolfest

We recently got back from a wonderful long weekend spent at Woolfest in Cockermouth, Cumbria and before life gets in the way (doesn’t it just have a habit of doing that!), we really wanted to gush about why we think the fair was well worth the five hour car journey. It’s a fair distance from …

A Fresh Look at the Ally Pally Knitting and Stitching Show

Earlier this month, the Ragged Life team headed over to north London for the Ally Pally Knitting and Stitching Show 2018. As many of you regulars know by now, I like to share a few of my highlights after such shows. This means that even if you couldn’t make it on the day, you can …

Leicester Rag Rug Workshops at Crafty Sew & So

Here at Ragged Life, we’re on a mission to bring the joys of rag rugging to crafters all over the U.K. We started off running workshops in London and Hertfordshire, but our real aim is to run workshops far and wide, so that everyone can get involved and enjoy a great day out learning this …

Highlights from the Spring Knitting & Stitching Show 2018

It’s been a busy couple of weeks what with CHSI Stitches in Birmingham followed almost immediately by the Spring Knitting and Stitching Show 2018 at Olympia London, but I’ve just about survived it. When I go along to these large craft shows I like to take a look around and see what pretty and interesting …

Highlights from CHSI Stitches 2018

I was up in Birmingham last week to attend CHSI Stitches – one of the largest craft trade fairs in Europe. Although I was there with my Ragged Life wares to sell my kits and tools into craft shops, department stores and garden centres all across the country (yes, I’m trying to start a rag …

Advanced Rag Rug Workshop – London & Hertfordshire

Anyone who has tried rag rugging before will hopefully agree with me when I say that it’s definitely one of the easier crafts to learn. Making a rag rug doesn’t involve lots of complicated stitches, it doesn’t require oodles of concentration (you should see me crocheting!) and there are very few mistakes that can’t be …

Visit the Harrogate Knitting & Stitching Show 2017

THE HARROGATE KNITTING & STITCHING SHOW 2017: I may feel like I’ve only just recovered from the Alexandra Palace Knitting and Stitching Show last month (which you can see my highlights from here), but the Harrogate Knitting and Stitching Show has crept up on me and is just around the corner… wow, wherever did the …

Highlights from the Knitting and Stitching Show 2017

From Wednesday to Sunday last week (11th-15th October, 2017), I was sharing the Ragged Life love at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. Over the course of the week, I ran workshops for rag rug beginners and did demos from my Ragged Life stand in the Great Hall. I never get as much …

Tea and Crafting, Covent Garden

A bit about Tea & Crafting: Tea and Crafting in Camden is the first place that I ever ran a rag rug workshop in London. As you can imagine, it therefore holds a special place in my heart 🙂 So, I was absolutely horrified when I heard that the Camden workshop space had been affected …

Rag Rug Making Workshop in South London

Rag Rug Making Workshops in South West London: Last week I ran my first Rag Rug Making Workshop at Le Salon Privé restaurant in St. Margaret’s. If you’re struggling to picture where St. Margaret’s is, it’s slap bang between Richmond and Twickenham 🙂 I turned up there nice and early on the day and Gianfranco, …