Cream Rag Rug Commission

Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m an unapologetic lover of colour. In shops, I immediately make a beeline for bright things (like a moth to the flame) and my home and studio couldn’t be further from monochrome (just look at my flat).

Although I love designing and making colourful rag rugs, personally some of my favourite creations are actually ones that I’ve made entirely out of neutral colours – black, greys, creams, whites and navies. There’s something so incredibly satisfying about turning uninspiring, bland fabrics into something sophisticated that could fit into any space in the home.

Late last year, I was briefed in by a customer to create a large living room rug for a snug country cottage. Laura wanted a rug that would fit in with her sofas and armchairs and wouldn’t draw too much attention away from the centrepiece of the room – the lovely, old fireplace. We decided to create a 200 x 140cm rug (exactly the size of our Ragged Life XL hessian) and, after months of making, this is the mammoth rug in all its glory.

I hope you like it!

Laura’s Cream Rag Rug Commission:

cream shaggy rag rug on floor with chair on top made out of old sheets

The darker rows of fabric interspersed across the rug help to make the rug less one dimensional.

Cream Rag Rug Commission designed with stripes of cream, grey and white

The neutral colours blended well together to create a sophisticated rug.

Up close shaggy rag rugging in rows

Up close you can see how we used patterned fabrics in the rug. As long as they were predominantly neutral in colour, they looked great in the rug. We even used some that had hints of pinks or rogue colours in them to make the rug even more vibrant.

200 x 140cm extra large rag rug made using cream and grey assorted fabrics held up

And this was me struggling to hold up the 200 x 140cm giant rag rug which seemed to weigh a tonne. Here you get a much better idea of the scale of the rug.

Cream rag rug commission upcycled into a carpet made of old clothing

It was such a windy day when we tried to photograph the rag rug (check out my hair!) but fortunately the rug weighed so much that it wasn’t going anywhere.

Cream rag rug clothing worn by Victoria Jackson

Behind the scenes shot of my mum holding up the rag rug in between shots – I think she looks like a cavewoman wearing a strange pelt 🙂

If this cream rag rug takes your fancy then you’re bound to also like our “Pepper Rag Rug”, made using darker neutral tones. Check out photos here.

Or, fancy getting more rag rug inspiration, tips and tricks? Why not join our Rag Rug Community on Facebook for advice, resources and gorgeous rag rug photos:

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Ragged Life Rag Rug Inspiration on Instagram

We’ve got lots of beautiful rag rug designs for you to take inspiration from on our social media channels.

Happy rag rugging everyone!

Elspeth x


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[…] like our “Cream Shaggy Rag Rug”, made using lighter neutral tones. Check out photos here. Or, fancy getting more rag rug inspiration, tips and tricks? Why not join our Rag Rug Community on […]

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